Thursday, May 30, 2013

Fun Fun

Greetings everyone! Trips been going pretty great so far. Tuesday was spectacular with the week-wackers, I didn't hurt myself at all!! Then we did some class work, had dinner and had a Welcome to Scotland night on campus. Bagpipes, haggis, the works were involved. I had one shot of whisky and it was awful and I do not plan on having any more any time soon. Plus I don't like alcohol in general...

Wednesday was went to the sea coast and did some bird watching. We also found some rabbits, dogs, and deer. Even on a cloudy day, Scotland is still beautiful and that just amazes me!!. Afterwards we went to Linlithgow Palace and ran around taking pictures. Pretty much Scotland is a chance for me to run around like an intrigued little kid and not get in trouble, and I'm loving it. After running around and looking for the Dungeon, which I never found :(, we took a trip to Cainpapple Hill; not too bad of a walk, and a gorgeous view!!

Today we spent majority of the day at Beecraig Country Park hiking around looking at stuff and then we identified some wildflowers. That also means that today I learned how awful I am at attempting to identify wildflower in Scotland. Arkansas trees, birds, and flowers: No Problem! Scotland trees, birds, and flowers: I'm awful!! It will take some practice, but hopefully I catch on pretty fast. Tomorrow we are going to a Loche so that should be pretty exciting. Well, time for me to go now; I've got homework!

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