Thursday, May 30, 2013

Fun Fun

Greetings everyone! Trips been going pretty great so far. Tuesday was spectacular with the week-wackers, I didn't hurt myself at all!! Then we did some class work, had dinner and had a Welcome to Scotland night on campus. Bagpipes, haggis, the works were involved. I had one shot of whisky and it was awful and I do not plan on having any more any time soon. Plus I don't like alcohol in general...

Wednesday was went to the sea coast and did some bird watching. We also found some rabbits, dogs, and deer. Even on a cloudy day, Scotland is still beautiful and that just amazes me!!. Afterwards we went to Linlithgow Palace and ran around taking pictures. Pretty much Scotland is a chance for me to run around like an intrigued little kid and not get in trouble, and I'm loving it. After running around and looking for the Dungeon, which I never found :(, we took a trip to Cainpapple Hill; not too bad of a walk, and a gorgeous view!!

Today we spent majority of the day at Beecraig Country Park hiking around looking at stuff and then we identified some wildflowers. That also means that today I learned how awful I am at attempting to identify wildflower in Scotland. Arkansas trees, birds, and flowers: No Problem! Scotland trees, birds, and flowers: I'm awful!! It will take some practice, but hopefully I catch on pretty fast. Tomorrow we are going to a Loche so that should be pretty exciting. Well, time for me to go now; I've got homework!

Monday, May 27, 2013

First Monday

I'm am so tired!!! Today we became students of the school and got our paperwork done. Then we got an orientation from an Assistant something of Education. We meet all the people that will be in charge of our schooling for  the next 4 weeks.Then we took a fake What Do You Know About Scotland quiz that I only got 8/20 correct. Oops!!! The highest score by a kid was only 13. Then we hiked around the campus and up a 'volcanic plug' (pretty much a giant hill/mountain). Then we walked back to our dorms and passed by the farm so of course I had to look through the windows of the pig farm and we passed the beef cattle: semmintal and a Scottish Angus.

Then we had dinner and after dinner a group and I went back to the playground and had some fun. After the playground we went to the store in town since we were already so close. So now I'm tired and sore and I am soo ready for bed! I'm getting pretty close to a normal sleep schedule so hopefully I'm just about there. Tomorrow we get to do some yard work for the school so that should be pretty fun, I get to use a weedwacker; excitement!!

Sunday, May 26, 2013


I am finally in Scotland everyone yay! It took three planes, but I finally made it! My flights were all good; 1st I had the whole row to myself, 2nd I sat next to some funny old men and had some laughs, 3rd I sat next to a kid in my same program, but I slept majority of that flight. 

When we got to campus we were shown to our rooms and left to get settled. Then at 5 some girls, that go to the college, came and brought us to where dinner was. Then a lady took us on a mini tour of the campus and let us go free afterwards. We went back to our rooms and decided to go for a walk. One giant group went on a walk around the farms on campus, and myself and three other girls walked to town to go to the store. One of the girl's luggage was lost so she kinda needed some basic stuff. 

The store was a 30 minute walk and on the way back we stopped at a playground and climbed this weird thing that had a lot of rope. Then we walked our tired butts back to campus and now I'm getting ready to go to sleep. The weather wasn't too bad today and this country is gorgeous! There is green everywhere and I love it! Alright I'm calling it a night and I'm going to bed. 

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Less than 3 days

I'm getting so excited because I am finally in the single digits of my countdown!! I've started gathering all the stuff I'm packing and I'm starting the actual packing in the morning. Then to clean my room because it looks like a disaster zone from unpacking from my move and then re-packing and then unpacking and now to re-pack again. I'm getting my address list together of people I'm going to send postcards to and I'm saying goodbye to all my friends and family. I know it's only a month but I'm just so close to my family I'm going to feel like there is a little piece of my heart missing as soon as I step foot on the plane. On the bright side, I love flying and I haven't been on a plane in forever!! I don't know who you are or why you are reading this, but thank you. I hope you enjoy reading about my adventures as much as I will enjoy making them.